Google Adwords

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What is Google Ads / Adwords ?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.

WontechIndia offers paid Ad campaign services like : Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads. We charge 30% of the total payment done towards the campaign each time, As a account handling charges.

With Google Ads service, You get the Instant enquiries from Google for your products/ services. WontechIndia provides complete support and account management for this service. Drive the ranking, visibility, traffic and quality leads with Google ads services with us.

Google Ads campaign related quick details

Professional Search Engine Optimization Services in India: Improve Organic Traffic, online visibility, and boost Your Business

When it comes to ad groups, the typical answer is somewhere in the 20-25 keyword range, and definitely no more than 30 keywords per ad group.

Once your added budget gets exhausted from Google ads account, The campaign automatically goes on hold until you add more payments to continue the ads. Your account manager from our side, Shall inform you regarding this time to time while running the campaigns.

First of all, You need to inform us your Target locations to display ads, Timing, Keywords shall be sent by us for your approval. Once you approve the keywords, We shall need your contact details to be displayed in the ads.

For every campaign, We shall share you the reports which includes traffic location details, Time of ads that has been displayed on Google, Audience details who clicked on your ads, Total payment summary, Overall campaign related details.